2011년 1월 10일 월요일

Writing Chain: "Story of Mrs.Shinichi" by Jiwhan In From Class 21

Writing Chain: "Story of Mrs.Shinichi" by Jiwhan In From Class 21
Hello, everyone!! I'm Jiwhan and thanks for visiting!!
Today I am going to post a writing chain essay from my class 21 about the story from Mrs. Shinichi.
It didn't end the way I wanted it to, but it is still good!
I hope you enjoy it!!!

"How can this happen!!" on a sunny monday, Mrs.Shinichi had come to see my dear friend Shurlck Komes. She was a Japanese woman and she was crying when she entered our house. I could see that he was happy to see a person requesting him a case. And Mrs.Shinichi began to speak.
"Mr. Komes, please listen to my story. 4 days ago I was looking at the news paper and I saw an advertisement saying that they are a Japanese Club Association and thy are looking for a new member."
"Yes, I saw that on the 'Super Daily' right?"
"Yes. Anyway, so I signed in because I was so bored with my original life. On the same day I took took the test and I passed. They told me to copy the Oxford Dictionary until 12:00PM to 4:00PM, and they will give me 10 pounds per week. The only thing that was unique was that I couldn't move anywhere. But I didn't care at all. But today, it happened."
"What is it, Mrs.Shinichi?"My friend asked to Mrs. Shinichi. Mrs. Shinichi opened her mouth.
"When I went to work today, there was a poster saying that the assoiation is broke down. I was so surprised! I couldn't get my money this week. When I went home I called everywhere but they didn't know where the club has gone. I felt as if I had lost my brain. Next, I called to the owner of te club and they said the phone number doesn't exsist! What should I DO!" and she started crying.
"Any way, now I am leaving to Japan with my husband Kudo Shinichi. Bye, I fooled you guys!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!" and she ran away, leaving a note, 'I lied, you fools!!!!'.
While my friend and I was so angry, a crowd of men from the mental hospital came in, saying
"I'm sorry Mr.Komes, Have you seen a Japanese woman saying that her husband is Kudo Shinichi?"
"YES!!!!!!!!!!!! How do you know her? And what do you mean by claiming?"
"She is our patient. She thinks she is married with Kudo Shinichi."
"Who is that guy?"
"A comic book character."
" Well, she went out of my room about a few minuites ago."
"Thanks, sir!!"
And they ran out. So she was a mentaly handicapped. What a day.

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