2011년 1월 25일 화요일

HIGHRISE: Where I was Embarrassed

   Money. Many people have money as their goal of life. They want more money, and they think money is happiness in their life. Well, I had a similar idea about happiness. But after researching about David's life I was very ashamed. His world was not like mine. He lives in Alamar in Cuba, which was built by prisoners. It has crooked walls, and no pipes.
   David lives in Cuba. Out his window he sees not just seas or trees or people. He sees restrictions, enforcements, and the hidden culture of Cuba. He sees people suffocating because of money and he sees cultures breaking down because of restrictions. By looking out the window he feels anger and wants his freedom back. On the other hand I see other buildings. I see happiness and busy people wanting more money. I feel warm that I am alive here. I see the warm and happy future waiting for me and calling me to come quickly. I see the protection from the government and the society. I see the white snow purifying my soul. I see a happier life and a more comfortable life compared to David's life and environment.
   David's country, Cuba has a communist style of governing, not like Korea. They cannot do what they want and they restricted small festivals, so many people like David is fighting back. In his country he cannot do anything he wants to do and he can't enjoy his life. On the other hand our country Korea has a democratic governing method. We get deserved and we have freedom. We can enjoy out life and we can make memories and we can eat and enjoy and rest.
   HIGHRISE. I didn't know about it before. Before, I believed money is the most important thing in world, and thought I was a very unlucky boy. But after seeing David's life, I felt ashamed. I thought I should not complain about what I don't have. I think I should be satisfied with what I already have

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