2011년 1월 18일 화요일

Ode: Dear iPod~~(my iPod's name is 2NE1 so don't get confused~~)

Dear 2NE1
how I felt when I first met you
shining, and glorious,
it was the happiest moment in my life
you were very glorious.
since you were my first iPod,
I thought I will love you forever
you were just wonderful
as if you were trying to make me crazy
you were the joy in my life
whenever I am sad, your songs cheered me up,
whenever I was bored your games was like a drug
without you I thought
there was no life
and there was no world

whenever I couldn't have you in my hands, I felt lonely
whenever I wasn't with you, I was bored.
without you I was a soulless body
to help you be free
I jailbreaked you not considering the side effects
because you are free I loved you more
no more restrictions from the Apple
once when I loved you too much,
mother, who was worried about me
took you away.
at that time I lost half of my soul 
oh, oh what should I do
without you, I have no joy
without you, I can't breathe.
you are my soul,
true from my heart

if you die, what should I do
even with a new friend,
I will not be able to love it like you
I will not be able to make memories like with you

Dear 2NE1 what should I do without you.
please comeback to me, my little girl.

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