2011년 1월 11일 화요일

S.A.T. Style Reflective Essay: "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

today I am going to write about the movie "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" in a S.A.T. style. The movie is about a monk and a small boy who lives with the monk. Please enjoy my essay.

In the film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring", the boy ties three kinds of animals(fish, frog, and snake) to a small rock.His master finds out about it and ties the boy to a rock at night. When the boy wakes up, he askes his master to untie the stone with him. Then the master says " Find the three animals you tied with the rocks and untie them. Then I will forgive you and untie you. If even one of them is dead, you will keep the stone in your heart." The boy finds the three animals, but the fish and snake is dead, so the boy feels sorry to the animals. By this, I think the master was going to teach the boy about how weak life is.
I have a similar experience with the boy in the movie. It happened when I was in third grade. I had no pet so I was bored when I was at my house. The television has the same thing on and on, my little brother went to his academy, so I was completely bored. Then, it was on Children's day. My grandmother bought me two hamsters. One was male, the other was a female. They were just adorable. Starting from that day I was never bored. When I had time, I was always playing with my hamsters. I usually want to stay at school but from that day, whenever our class is done, I ran towards my home. They like me and I liked them. Then it happened. One day, the female was pregnant. Now when a female hamster is pregnant, the male should not be close with the female,or the male dies. But I forgot about it and I accidently left them together and the female killed the male. It was pretty shocking for me to see one of the hamster dead and the other having blood around her mouth. After the babies were born, I should have left the hamster alone, but I kept on staring at the hamster and she thought I was going to kill her babies so the female ate all of her babies. I was so sad that I cried for a day.Because of my small action I killed 15 lives.
There are lots of similarities between the boy and me. We didn't know how weak life was and played with it. The only difference between the boy and me is who taught us the lesson. By this event I thought I should never play with other's lives.

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