2011년 1월 18일 화요일

short story by using wacky web tales

My Cool Grandparents

My grandparents just came to visit me and my family. They do different things for fun than kids do. I like to hang out with my friends at Cookie Store, but my grandparents like tofart at Cookie Store. Do anyone else's grandparents like to do that?
Both of my grandparents are really cool. They like to wear underwear that look just like something Steve Jobs would wear. We talk about the latest movies, music, and TV shows. I really like Iron Man 2, and my grandma said she does too. Her favorite actress is Emma Watson! I can't believe how cool my grandma is!
And my grandpa is just as cool. We talk about Jackson Five all the time! He knows all their music. He even owns ABC. He said that the next time Jackson Five come to Seoulfor a concert, he'll take me! I can hardly wait. He'll be the coolest grandpa at the Jackson Five concert, and I'll be so happy to be there with him

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