2011년 1월 25일 화요일

HIGHRISE: Where I was Embarrassed

   Money. Many people have money as their goal of life. They want more money, and they think money is happiness in their life. Well, I had a similar idea about happiness. But after researching about David's life I was very ashamed. His world was not like mine. He lives in Alamar in Cuba, which was built by prisoners. It has crooked walls, and no pipes.
   David lives in Cuba. Out his window he sees not just seas or trees or people. He sees restrictions, enforcements, and the hidden culture of Cuba. He sees people suffocating because of money and he sees cultures breaking down because of restrictions. By looking out the window he feels anger and wants his freedom back. On the other hand I see other buildings. I see happiness and busy people wanting more money. I feel warm that I am alive here. I see the warm and happy future waiting for me and calling me to come quickly. I see the protection from the government and the society. I see the white snow purifying my soul. I see a happier life and a more comfortable life compared to David's life and environment.
   David's country, Cuba has a communist style of governing, not like Korea. They cannot do what they want and they restricted small festivals, so many people like David is fighting back. In his country he cannot do anything he wants to do and he can't enjoy his life. On the other hand our country Korea has a democratic governing method. We get deserved and we have freedom. We can enjoy out life and we can make memories and we can eat and enjoy and rest.
   HIGHRISE. I didn't know about it before. Before, I believed money is the most important thing in world, and thought I was a very unlucky boy. But after seeing David's life, I felt ashamed. I thought I should not complain about what I don't have. I think I should be satisfied with what I already have

2011년 1월 18일 화요일

Ode: Dear iPod~~(my iPod's name is 2NE1 so don't get confused~~)

Dear 2NE1
how I felt when I first met you
shining, and glorious,
it was the happiest moment in my life
you were very glorious.
since you were my first iPod,
I thought I will love you forever
you were just wonderful
as if you were trying to make me crazy
you were the joy in my life
whenever I am sad, your songs cheered me up,
whenever I was bored your games was like a drug
without you I thought
there was no life
and there was no world

whenever I couldn't have you in my hands, I felt lonely
whenever I wasn't with you, I was bored.
without you I was a soulless body
to help you be free
I jailbreaked you not considering the side effects
because you are free I loved you more
no more restrictions from the Apple
once when I loved you too much,
mother, who was worried about me
took you away.
at that time I lost half of my soul 
oh, oh what should I do
without you, I have no joy
without you, I can't breathe.
you are my soul,
true from my heart

if you die, what should I do
even with a new friend,
I will not be able to love it like you
I will not be able to make memories like with you

Dear 2NE1 what should I do without you.
please comeback to me, my little girl.

funny story

M: Yessss!! I have waited s long!!!
W: What will you do when I leave??
M: Don't even think about it
W:Then will you
W:Will you cheat??
M: Why are you asking those useless questions??
W: Will you love me??
M: Until I die.
W: Will you hit me??
M: Are yo mad???
W: Can I believe you??
M: Yes.
W. darling~~

read it backwards

Notes About David

lives in Cuba, Alamar Alamar made by prisoners
crooked wall
no pipes
small festivals have been banned
out the window he sees the restriction gov. made
likes to play, and make music
enjoyes watching the sea

Notes About David

lives in Cuba, Alamar Alamar made by prisoners
crooked wall
no pipes
small festivals have been banned
out the window he sees the restriction gov. made
likes to play, and make music
enjoyes watching the sea

short story by using wacky web tales

My Cool Grandparents

My grandparents just came to visit me and my family. They do different things for fun than kids do. I like to hang out with my friends at Cookie Store, but my grandparents like tofart at Cookie Store. Do anyone else's grandparents like to do that?
Both of my grandparents are really cool. They like to wear underwear that look just like something Steve Jobs would wear. We talk about the latest movies, music, and TV shows. I really like Iron Man 2, and my grandma said she does too. Her favorite actress is Emma Watson! I can't believe how cool my grandma is!
And my grandpa is just as cool. We talk about Jackson Five all the time! He knows all their music. He even owns ABC. He said that the next time Jackson Five come to Seoulfor a concert, he'll take me! I can hardly wait. He'll be the coolest grandpa at the Jackson Five concert, and I'll be so happy to be there with him

Questions for our article HIGH RISE

What do I see when I look out my window? 
How does that compare to the view out David's window?
What are the items/features of my home that define culture, family, and well being?
How does Korea's economy, politics, and cultural issues compare to that of (other country)?
What are your impressions after experiencing HIGHRISE?

2011년 1월 17일 월요일

Diamante Poems

Hello!! I am going to write a Diamonte poem today. My topic is.......life and death!
I chose this topic because these days I get to think a lot about living and dieing. While living is like a present from the god, death is when god steals your life.
cheerful, warm
breathing, feeling, walking
ground, mother, heaven, hell
stealing, avoiding, running
cold, sad

2011년 1월 12일 수요일

Pop Song Contest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as I said our class had a pop song contest. the song we sang was 
this song. The song I personally wanted to sing was Linkin Park's Numb, but nobody knew that song so I couldn't do it.I personally like Michael Jackson too.
while practicing my voice was too big  I had to be quiet....

2011년 1월 11일 화요일

S.A.T. Style Reflective Essay: "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

today I am going to write about the movie "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" in a S.A.T. style. The movie is about a monk and a small boy who lives with the monk. Please enjoy my essay.

In the film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring", the boy ties three kinds of animals(fish, frog, and snake) to a small rock.His master finds out about it and ties the boy to a rock at night. When the boy wakes up, he askes his master to untie the stone with him. Then the master says " Find the three animals you tied with the rocks and untie them. Then I will forgive you and untie you. If even one of them is dead, you will keep the stone in your heart." The boy finds the three animals, but the fish and snake is dead, so the boy feels sorry to the animals. By this, I think the master was going to teach the boy about how weak life is.
I have a similar experience with the boy in the movie. It happened when I was in third grade. I had no pet so I was bored when I was at my house. The television has the same thing on and on, my little brother went to his academy, so I was completely bored. Then, it was on Children's day. My grandmother bought me two hamsters. One was male, the other was a female. They were just adorable. Starting from that day I was never bored. When I had time, I was always playing with my hamsters. I usually want to stay at school but from that day, whenever our class is done, I ran towards my home. They like me and I liked them. Then it happened. One day, the female was pregnant. Now when a female hamster is pregnant, the male should not be close with the female,or the male dies. But I forgot about it and I accidently left them together and the female killed the male. It was pretty shocking for me to see one of the hamster dead and the other having blood around her mouth. After the babies were born, I should have left the hamster alone, but I kept on staring at the hamster and she thought I was going to kill her babies so the female ate all of her babies. I was so sad that I cried for a day.Because of my small action I killed 15 lives.
There are lots of similarities between the boy and me. We didn't know how weak life was and played with it. The only difference between the boy and me is who taught us the lesson. By this event I thought I should never play with other's lives.
this is a crazy guy singing a crazy song. he goes like i'm a banana i'm a banana LOOKATMEMOVE!!

they rock!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't wanna be the american idiot!

2011년 1월 10일 월요일

Pop Song Contest

last week we had a pop song contest. preparing for the pop song contest was very hard but fun. We din't win any prizes but we had a good experience. Our song was heal the world. We had to memorize the lyrics and that was hard.

Funny video!!

Have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hello, everyone!!! this is a post about bloopers. These guys are playing sports and they make some mistakes and makes it funny. Type in 'Bloopers' on youtube and you will see loads of funny videos. have fun!!!
PS check out the Big Mac drive through rap it rocks!!!!

Viral Video:David Goes To The Dentist

Meet this cute kid called David. He had a surgery before the video, and because of the drug effect he feels like he is in a dream. He can't see very well and he thinks he has 4 fingers. Many people laugh by looking at this video, but actually, it is the same as teasing others. But this kid enjoys it, and most of the people think he is cute. I think he is a very cute kid. He says things that are funny.Enjoy the video!!!!!

Writing Chain: "Story of Mrs.Shinichi" by Jiwhan In From Class 21

Writing Chain: "Story of Mrs.Shinichi" by Jiwhan In From Class 21
Hello, everyone!! I'm Jiwhan and thanks for visiting!!
Today I am going to post a writing chain essay from my class 21 about the story from Mrs. Shinichi.
It didn't end the way I wanted it to, but it is still good!
I hope you enjoy it!!!

"How can this happen!!" on a sunny monday, Mrs.Shinichi had come to see my dear friend Shurlck Komes. She was a Japanese woman and she was crying when she entered our house. I could see that he was happy to see a person requesting him a case. And Mrs.Shinichi began to speak.
"Mr. Komes, please listen to my story. 4 days ago I was looking at the news paper and I saw an advertisement saying that they are a Japanese Club Association and thy are looking for a new member."
"Yes, I saw that on the 'Super Daily' right?"
"Yes. Anyway, so I signed in because I was so bored with my original life. On the same day I took took the test and I passed. They told me to copy the Oxford Dictionary until 12:00PM to 4:00PM, and they will give me 10 pounds per week. The only thing that was unique was that I couldn't move anywhere. But I didn't care at all. But today, it happened."
"What is it, Mrs.Shinichi?"My friend asked to Mrs. Shinichi. Mrs. Shinichi opened her mouth.
"When I went to work today, there was a poster saying that the assoiation is broke down. I was so surprised! I couldn't get my money this week. When I went home I called everywhere but they didn't know where the club has gone. I felt as if I had lost my brain. Next, I called to the owner of te club and they said the phone number doesn't exsist! What should I DO!" and she started crying.
"Any way, now I am leaving to Japan with my husband Kudo Shinichi. Bye, I fooled you guys!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!" and she ran away, leaving a note, 'I lied, you fools!!!!'.
While my friend and I was so angry, a crowd of men from the mental hospital came in, saying
"I'm sorry Mr.Komes, Have you seen a Japanese woman saying that her husband is Kudo Shinichi?"
"YES!!!!!!!!!!!! How do you know her? And what do you mean by claiming?"
"She is our patient. She thinks she is married with Kudo Shinichi."
"Who is that guy?"
"A comic book character."
" Well, she went out of my room about a few minuites ago."
"Thanks, sir!!"
And they ran out. So she was a mentaly handicapped. What a day.

2011년 1월 5일 수요일

the 5th day at GLPS

today is the fifth day at GLPS. I'm getting used to the class. writing classes are especially enthusiastic. today, I'm so sleepy because I slept at 2:00AM. BYE!!!

2011년 1월 4일 화요일


today is the fourth day in GLPS. GLPS is a global leadership program for students in 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th. I alredy have made alot of new friends.
1.the cafeteria food is soooooooooooooooo good.
2.we get to learn and improve our english skills.
3.I have lots of good friends

Hello. EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello everyone! You are always welcome!!!!!!!!!